Five Years

Brand loyalty is one thing I hold true, if you get me hooked you’ve got me until you let me down. I found my way into AllSaints years ago and loved their grown up punk sensibilities and quality leather goods and have been loyal ever since. (Even despite the floral, Tommy Bahama, moment last year)

The one thing that has been consistent has been their leather goods, and almost as a ritual every several years I pick up a new wallet. I clearly used my initial wallet almost to the end of its life but on the second, the leather actually aged so well that I probably could have kept it in rotation for longer but I was given a variation on the Havoc Wallet for Christmas. Funny thing is, I have left it in the box since that day. I think I just can’t part with the current one, it needs to add more patina before retirement.

See the new AllSaints Collection Here >

Three generations

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